Our Blog

Our Blog

Thursday, August 20th, 2020

Our Blog

At Pine Grove, we believe that education and research are integral to effective treatment. Our blog content includes messages from our staff members, discussion of new studies, and advice for those in every stage of recovery.

Our Blog

At Pine Grove, we believe that education and research are integral to effective treatment. Our blog content includes messages from our staff members, discussion of new studies, and advice for those in every stage of recovery.

addiction treatment for doctors and nurses

Addiction Treatment for Doctors and Nurses

This year has brought new challenges for all of us. As Americans prepare to reopen schools and return to work, experts caution that this behavior will trigger a second [...]


The Value of Friendship

In celebrating National Friendship Day this August, we take a moment to reflect on the friendships in our lives. When we hear the word, ‘friendship,’ instantly an image comes [...]


What You Need to Know About Orthorexia

Anorexia and bulimia are not the only eating disorders affecting people around the world. In recent years, orthorexia has become a growing problem, especially among health-minded young women. This [...]

reflections of racism

Reflections of Racism

by Vanessa Cox, MSW, LCSW, CMAT Very few of us can ignore or deny the waves of social unrest sweeping throughout our communities, this country, and the world amid the [...]

staying sober during a pandemic

Staying Sober During a Pandemic

Your Guide to Staying Sober During a Pandemic For many in recovery, the ability to connect with others is what keeps us accountable. Regular 12-step meetings and check-ins with our [...]