Couples Intensives: How a Weekend Can Repair Your Marriage

couples intensives and couples retreats

As we navigate the world of COVID-19, life has become more stressful than ever before. Many couples, both young and established, find themselves struggling with relationship problems at an unprecedented level. Going on a retreat with your significant other can be an excellent way to address conflict, navigate difficult conversations, reawaken lost intimacy, and even begin recovery from infidelity. At Pine Grove, we offer couples intensives that are restorative and engaging.

Clinical Counseling in a Beautiful Setting

For many couples, the idea of counseling can be intimidating. You may worry about the dynamic of a traditional talk therapy session. Indeed, the idea of sitting on a couch with your loved one and facing a clinician can seem awkward or daunting. This is when couples intensives become a great option for healing.

During a couples retreat, you and your significant other will benefit from therapy sessions and various exercises in a new, exciting environment. Instead of sitting in an office, you can receive therapy outdoors or in a home-like setting. This enables you to bond with your partner, deepening your emotional connection away from everyday stresses.

Healing Without Distraction

When you’re in counseling, it can be hard to focus entirely on the matter at hand. Much of your traditional 50-minute session may be spent worrying about the logistics of the day: who is cooking dinner? Do you need to go to the grocery store? Did your youngest finish up his homework, or forget to turn it in again? When is the cable guy coming? In the environment of a retreat, this noise is turned down, enabling you and your significant other to fully immerse yourselves in your relationship for days at a time.

Who Needs Couples Intensives?

First, we hope that you know that couples intensives aren’t just for married couples or those who have been together for decades. People who have gotten together recently may also benefit from this experience. Retreats can be a great, proactive approach to building intimacy and renewing your commitment to each other, your relationship, and the results of your emotional work.

People experiencing the following issues would benefit significantly from couples intensives:

  • Recovery after an affair
  • Feelings of disconnection
  • Midlife crises
  • Working through a loss
  • Sex and intimacy issues
  • Communication problems
  • Empty nest challenges

We do recommend that couples who have experienced traumatic events or infidelity seek counseling before spending a weekend together. While a couples retreat can be an informative and transformational experience, it is not ideal for couples who are in crisis, including those who are experiencing physical, emotional, or other forms of abuse. We advise those in this situation to seek clinical help in a therapeutic environment as soon as possible.

Benefits of a Weekend Together

Couples intensives are an excellent chance to connect, relax, and enjoy yourselves over a long weekend. These experiences blend a weekend getaway with a concentrated period of relationship development. Not only do you get to escape the “real world” and feel more connected, but you will be guided by experts who can walk you through any clouded emotions or sticking points.

You will spend quality time together, learn valuable interpersonal skills, address existing issues, open new avenues of communication, and renew the spark of your relationship. We encourage you to invest in yourselves and seek professional help when times are tough.

Couples Intensives in Mississippi

At Pine Grove, we offer a variety of workshops perfect for couples. Our couples intensives help individuals to discover why they repeat the same relationship patterns and empower them to tackle challenging situations. Our sessions have received glowing reviews:

  • “I have never experienced anything like this, and I am beyond words.”
  • “After just one day, I was already starting to see the world and people in a different, more healthy way. That has continued, and I feel more love for myself and others.”
  • “This is life changing for me. I received so many gifts from this program; the facilitators were exceptional. I highly recommend this program.”

To learn more about our intensives, please contact us today. Our admissions counselors will help you to find the perfect program for your needs.

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