What Is Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy?

circle of group therapy practicing mindfulness-based cognitive therapy

At Pine Grove Behavioral Health & Addiction Services, we believe in a holistic approach to mental health and well-being. Among the innovative techniques we advocate for is mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. This approach has garnered significant attention in recent years for its potential to prevent depression relapse.

How Does Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Work?

At its core, MBCT is a transformative blend of traditional cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness strategies. It focuses on breaking the cyclical, negative thought patterns that tend to underpin depression. The mindfulness component, rooted in age-old meditative practices, emphasizes staying present and fostering an acute awareness of your thoughts and feelings without judgment.

Benefits of MBCT include the following.

  1. Breaking negative thought patterns: By grounding yourself in the present, you can combat the feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness and guilt that typically accompany depression.
  2. Versatility: While particularly effective for those who’ve faced recurrent episodes of major depressive disorder, MBCT also shows promise in treating anxiety, substance use disorder, and even bipolar disorder.

What to Expect During MBCT

MBCT sessions typically take place in a group setting, with each weekly meeting led by a seasoned therapist. These meetings become a crucible where meditation techniques meld with core cognitive principles, allowing participants to decipher complex thoughts and emotions.

Group therapy is only one part of MBCT. You’ll also have “homework,” ranging from mindful meditation to focused breathing exercises. The objective is to weave mindfulness into the fabric of everyday life – while preparing and eating a meal, folding laundry or taking a walk.

MBCT for Depression Relapse Prevention

MBCT’s efficacy requires you to fundamentally shift your relationship with your emotions. By being more present in your life, you will learn to accept complex feelings like sadness instead of pushing them away. Regular meditation and mindfulness exercises can recalibrate your neural networks, so negativity is no longer your default reaction.

MBCT teaches you that your thoughts and emotions do not define you. When waves of sadness or hopelessness threaten to pull you down, you can sail through them with a newfound calmness, compassion and proactive positivity. Research by Georgetown University Medical Center suggests a guided mindfulness-based stress reduction program can be as effective as antidepressant medications.

Overcoming Challenges With Pine Grove’s Expertise

Starting mindfulness-based cognitive therapy is embarking on a journey toward a more present and balanced self. It can help you build resilience against the overwhelming negativity that characterizes clinical depression. If you struggle with your mental and behavioral wellness, Pine Grove is here for you. Since opening in 1984, we have earned a reputation as one of the country’s premier centers for treating addiction, process disorders and dual diagnoses. Contact us today to learn more about starting your recovery here.

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