Porn Addiction Side Effects

porn addiction

Millions of Americans routinely visit porn websites or access pornographic content. An estimated 35% of internet downloads relate to pornography. Unfortunately, the vast magnitude of pornography available online has created various societal issues. Porn addiction affects approximately 200,000 American adults, making it a prevalent problem. However, it is possible to recover from a pornography addiction if you recognize the symptoms and seek help.

Is Porn Addictive?

Substance use disorders are not the only type of addiction. Some people become addicted to specific pleasurable behaviors like shopping, gambling and looking at pornography. These activities become addictive because they affect the brain’s reward center, releasing a rush of a feel-good chemical called dopamine.

Though the increased dopamine makes people want to repeat the satisfying behaviors, over time, their brains naturally produce less of this chemical. Eventually, it becomes challenging to derive pleasure from anything else, and that’s how addiction begins.

Signs of Porn Addiction

People who become addicted to porn are trapped in a vicious cycle of knowing they are doing something unhealthy, yet still being unable to quit. That’s not due to a lack of willpower or motivation, but because your brain has essentially rewired itself to see porn as your primary rewarding activity.

If you are worried that your use of pornography has crossed the line and become a problem, here are some warning signs to look for.

  • Having such a powerful urge to consume pornographic content that you start neglecting other personal and professional responsibilities
  • Spending long stretches of time watching pornography alone
  • Developing unrealistic expectations for what healthy, real-life intimacy should be like
  • A loss of interest in other hobbies and activities
  • Quickly changing the subject if someone suggests your pornography habit is getting out of control
  • Becoming detached from your partner or losing your attraction to them entirely
  • Financial hardships, including debt, related to paying for pornographic content
  • Being angry, irritable or impatient, especially toward your intimate partner
  • Frequently resorting to porn as a coping mechanism to manage complex emotions

Porn Addiction Side Effects

The loss of a healthy, mutually beneficial sexual relationship is often the first adverse effect of a worsening porn addiction. Your partner may be hurt, frightened or confused by the changes they see in you and assume the resulting lack of intimacy is their fault. They may also struggle with their self-esteem, wondering where else they might be falling short in the relationship.

Another harmful side effect of a pornography addiction is that watching other people engage in various sex acts can make your real-life sexual interactions less satisfying. After constantly comparing yourself to professional sex workers, you may eventually develop highly unrealistic standards surrounding your physical appearance and sexual abilities.

How to Stop Porn Addiction

Since 2004, Pine Grove has offered our internationally renowned Gratitude program for sexual addiction, compulsion and dysfunction. We designed this unique treatment track to provide our clients with the most progressive, effective and innovative treatment available.

Behavioral addictions frequently co-occur with other mental health issues, such as substance use disorders. When this happens, professional treatment is vital for you to address the underlying causes of both conditions and live a happier, more fulfilling life. Our long-term relapse prevention programming helps break the cycle of addictive behaviors, allowing clients to move forward confidently.

Find Recovery at Pine Grove

At Pine Grove, it’s our mission to offer high-quality, cost-effective and comprehensive treatment and services. Our compassionate, non-judgmental professionals provide a safe, secure and 100% confidential environment where you can begin working on healing. To learn more and verify your insurance coverage, reach out to us today.

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