Addiction Recovery

Addiction Recovery

Monday, February 12th, 2024

Our Blog

At Pine Grove, we believe that education and research are integral to effective treatment. Our blog content includes messages from our staff members, discussion of new studies, and advice for those in every stage of recovery.

Embracing the Journey of Lent

Monday, February 12th, 2024

Embracing the Journey of Lent

Rapidly approaching on the Christian calendar is the season of Lent, which is a period of 40 days (excluding Sundays). For many Christians, Lent is a season of repentance [...]

dating in recovery

Dating an Alcoholic

Embarking on a relationship with someone recovering from alcohol addiction can be uniquely challenging and rewarding. If you find yourself attracted to a person who is in the early [...]

healthy aging month

Healthy Aging Month

September is here, and with it comes the observance of Healthy Aging Month. As the seasons transition, so do the stages of our lives. It’s never too early or [...]

ADHD and substance abuse

The Connection Between ADHD and Substance Abuse

Substance abuse is a multifaceted illness that arises due to an array of factors, including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Read on to learn more about the connection between ADHD and substance [...]


5 Ways Addiction Impacts the Brain

Addiction is more than a behavioral health problem; it’s a complex illness. Drugs and alcohol significantly alter the brain’s structure and function, making it increasingly challenging to abstain from [...]

family history

Family History and Addiction

The complex connection between heredity and environment remains a compelling area of study in the addiction medicine community. Many people with a family history of substance use disorders wonder [...]

alcohol awareness month

PTSD Awareness Month

By: Ted Crawford, MS, LMFT June is National PTSD Awareness month. Everyone has some amount of trauma in their past that hasn’t been fully processed or, (“digested”). Even though the actual events [...]

What Drugs are Prescribed for Anxiety?

Anxiety, although a natural reaction to stress, can transform into an oppressive burden when these feelings become constant and interfere with daily life. Recognizing this as an anxiety disorder [...]

addiction facts

National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week

America’s opioid abuse and overdose epidemic is well-documented, which can cause other information about drugs and alcohol to go overlooked. Since addiction is such a complex and multifaceted illness, [...]