Evaluation Center

Comprehensive Mental Health Evaluations

Pine Grove’s evaluation services provide reliable, validated screening from a multidisciplinary treatment team. We are able to provide comprehensive testing for addiction, mood disorders, personality disorders, eating disorders, and sexual compulsivity, among other diagnoses.

Professional Licensing Board Approved

Since 1984, Pine Grove has provided specialized and comprehensive evaluations for professionals. Our evaluation center is one of the few in the nation approved by professional licensing boards, Physician Health Programs, Judges and Lawyers Assistance Programs, Recovering Nurse Programs, and other licensing and monitoring entities throughout the country. We offer individualized and comprehensive evaluations for a variety of issues including, but not limited to, substance use disorders, disruptive behavior in the workplace, personal and professional boundary issues, compulsive sexual behaviors, psychiatric issues, burnout, personality disorders, trauma, eating disorders, complex and difficult cases, and cognitive concerns.
We offer multidisciplinary fitness to practice evaluations for professionals, licensing boards, professional health programs, and other regulatory or monitoring entities. We have the ability to individualize each assessment based on the client’s needs. This program provides a comprehensive approach by a multidisciplinary team of professionals with extensive, specialized experience in evaluating professionals with emotional or behavioral concerns that impact their behaviors in the workplace and their work quality. We provide a comprehensive, written report specifying the findings of an evaluation as well as detailed care recommendations.

Benefits of an evaluation:

  • Multi-disciplinary treatment team with specialized experience in the evaluation of professionals
  • Testing with high levels of reliability and validity
  • Full-time, board certified psychiatrist and addiction medicine specialist
  • Recommendations based on best clinical and ethical practices

Substance Abuse Evaluations

The Addiction Evaluation takes place over the course of two to three days, typically on an outpatient basis. Residential level evaluations are conducted as needed. The focus of this evaluation is alcohol or other substance use, and other psychological or psychiatric issues are also assessed.
The Addiction Evaluation has several components including: an addiction assessment, psychiatric assessment, lab work, history and physical, psychological evaluation and testing, collateral information gathering, and neuropsychological screening. A polygraph examination can be included for an additional fee.

Comprehensive Evaluations

The Comprehensive Evaluation takes place over the course of two to three days, typically on an outpatient basis. Residential level evaluations are conducted as needed. This evaluation is broad in scope and can be tailored to encompass questions of disruptive workplace behavior, psychiatric concerns (e.g., bipolar disorder), personality disorder, trauma, eating disorder, or questions about cognitive or intellectual functioning, while also including attention to substance use issues.
The Comprehensive Evaluation has several components including: an addiction assessment, psychiatric assessment, lab work, history and physical, psychological evaluation and testing, collateral information gathering, and neuropsychological screening. A polygraph examination can be included for an additional fee.

Comprehensive Cognitive Evaluations

The Comprehensive Cognitive Evaluation takes place over the course of three to four days, typically on an outpatient basis. Residential level evaluations are conducted as needed. This evaluation is designed to evaluate cognitive functioning as well as assess for a wide array of other potential concerns including: substance use disorders, disruptive behavior, psychiatric disorders (e.g., bipolar disorder), personality disorders, trauma, and eating disorders. This evaluation is individualized and is comprised of several components including (but not limited to): comprehensive neuropsychological testing, addiction assessment, psychiatric assessment, psychological evaluation and testing, lab work, history and physical, and collateral information gathering. A polygraph examination can be included for an additional fee.

Neuropsychological Evaluation

The Neuropsychological Evaluation is a comprehensive assessment of cognitive functions. The data from a neuropsychological evaluation is used to assess an individual’s current level of cognitive functioning to:

  • Determine the presence, nature, and degree of persisting cognitive and emotional deficits.
  • Establish the probable relationship between the patient’s current neurobehavioral status and medical history.
  • Evaluate the functional significance of such deficits.
A licensed psychologist, who specializes in neuropsychology, conducts a clinical interview with the patient, and others if available, who can provide additional information about the patient’s status. The evaluation also includes administering a comprehensive standardized test battery.
The battery of neuropsychological testing is comprised of a number of procedures designed to evaluate function in the following domains: general intelligence, attention/concentration, sensation/perception, language, emotional status, new learning and memory, and higher level cognition-executive function.

Psychosexual Evaluation

The Psychosexual Evaluation takes place over three days on an outpatient basis. The focus of this evaluation is comprehensive and encompasses a wide variety of issues, but includes specialized assessment of potentially problematic sexual behaviors (e.g., sexual compulsivity) as well as both sexual and non-sexual boundary issues.
The Psychosexual Evaluation has several components including: addiction assessment, psychiatric assessment, lab work, history and physical, psychological evaluation and testing, collateral information gathering, specific testing for sexual dependency issues, neuropsychological screening, and polygraph testing.

Your Path to Clarity

We offer precise and comprehensive assessments for professionals and individuals alike. Begin your healing journey with a clear understanding of root causes and conditions – contact Pine Grove today.

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