

Addiction is a complex, chronic brain disease that requires the highest level of care. At Pine Grove, we believe in approaching this by recognizing and emphasizing the patient experience.

Pine Grove Mission and Values

Our Mission

Do What is Best for the Patient

Our Values

Together We:

Communicate with Courtesy and Compassion

Acknowledge and take Action

Respect and Reassure

Empathize and Explain

Addiction Philosophy

Addiction is a complex brain disease manifested by a compulsive, pathological relationship with a mood altering substance or behavior. This disease is developmental, chronic (lifelong) and progressive, with life damaging consequences, and it impacts individuals, families, and communities. Addiction is a biopsychosociospiritual disease. That is, it affects body, mind, society (including family), and spirit.

The disease of addiction lies in the compulsion and leads to an inability to healthfully connect with self or others because of the intense connection with the disease behavior. This leads to arrested development, physical illness, emotional/mental suffering, spiritual bankruptcy, disruptions in home and work life, and disordered thinking, feeling, and behavior.

At Pine Grove, we use the 12 steps as an anchor, a way of helping people move through the recovery process and grow as people. It’s like a map for the never-ending journey toward freedom from compulsive disease. We use 12 Step because it works, but it’s not the only thing we do. It is a component of our holistic treatment model. Medical and psychiatric evaluation and treatment, group and individual psychotherapy, family work, community involvement, mind/body experiences, and education toward bio-psycho-socio-spiritual wellness are all important elements for sustainable life change.

By education, treatment experiences, and integration, we strive to help people move toward personal accountability, self activation, and empowerment in preparation for re-entry into relationships, work, and community.