Our Blog

Our Blog

Thursday, June 22nd, 2023

Our Blog

At Pine Grove, we believe that education and research are integral to effective treatment. Our blog content includes messages from our staff members, discussion of new studies, and advice for those in every stage of recovery.

Our Blog

At Pine Grove, we believe that education and research are integral to effective treatment. Our blog content includes messages from our staff members, discussion of new studies, and advice for those in every stage of recovery.

men's health month tips

Men’s Health Month

The connection between physical health and mental health is undeniable. Challenges like chronic stress, anxiety, depression and trauma can manifest in issues including high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and [...]

alcohol awareness month

PTSD Awareness Month

By: Ted Crawford, MS, LMFT June is National PTSD Awareness month. Everyone has some amount of trauma in their past that hasn’t been fully processed or, (“digested”). Even though the actual events [...]

Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month

June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, devoted to increasing public understanding of this progressive form of dementia and its effects. Worldwide, more than 55 million people live with [...]

What Drugs are Prescribed for Anxiety?

Anxiety, although a natural reaction to stress, can transform into an oppressive burden when these feelings become constant and interfere with daily life. Recognizing this as an anxiety disorder [...]

weight loss drugs

Dangers of Prescription Weight Loss Drugs

If your doctor has recommended losing weight to minimize associated health problems like high blood pressure and sleep apnea, but you struggle to shed pounds through diet and exercise [...]

addiction facts

National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week

America’s opioid abuse and overdose epidemic is well-documented, which can cause other information about drugs and alcohol to go overlooked. Since addiction is such a complex and multifaceted illness, [...]

amphetamines and bipolar

Amphetamine Dependence and Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that causes dramatic, uncontrollable mood swings. People with this condition alternate between bouts of mania and depression, which can disrupt sleep, energy levels, [...]

sex addiction

Sex Addiction Symptoms

While it’s natural to have a healthy libido and want to physically bond with your partner, hypersexuality can harm your relationships and disrupt other aspects of your life. Compulsive [...]

internet gaming disorder

Internet Gaming Disorder

Video games are a source of entertainment and relaxation for many people, and some even include a social component that allows players to connect. Internet gaming can improve problem-solving [...]